That Was Then…This is Now: Utilizing the History of Mathematics and Dynamic Geometry Software

Michelle Meadows, Joanne Caniglia
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Pre-service mathematics teacher (PST) education often addresses within Geometry Classes how to utilize Dynamic Geometric Software (DGS). Other classes may also incorporate teaching pre-service teachers about the history of mathematics. Although research has documented the use of Dynamic Geometric Software (DGS) in teaching the history of mathematics (HoM) (Zengin, 2018), the focus of this research specifically targets the development of proof for pre-service teachers by utilizing DGS to revisit historical proofs with a modern lens. The findings concur with Fujita (2010), Zengin (2018), and Conners (2007) work on proof. The novelty of this article was the combination of incorporating the history of mathematics (HoM), dynamic geometry software (DGS), and Toulmin’s model of argumentation. A pedagogical approach appeared to emerge: DGS’s dynamic nature allowed PSTs to see several examples of a method to provide them with an illustration that may be used in proofs.



History of mathematics, Pre-service teachers, Geometry, Dynamic geometry software

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Meadows, M. & Caniglia J. (2021). That was then…This is now: Utilizing the history of mathematics and dynamic geometry software. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 9(2), 198-212.



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Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology


International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST) 
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Editors: Mack Shelley & Ismail Sahin

Place of Publication: Turkey & Name of Publisher: Ismail Sahin

ISSN: 2147-611X (Online)